

I give thanks for the EARTH, our home,

The mother that holds us and nourishes us


I give thanks for humanity, the shared experience,

Being human


I give thanks for impermanence,

The arising and dissolving of phenomena

The temporality of the body,

The fragility of life,

The consistency of change


I give thanks for the unknown

The unknowable

The mystery

The infinite possibility that resides in each moment

The witness of being


I give thanks for the uncomfortable

The challenging emotions, destructive thoughts,

Vitriolic people, confounding situations

The opportunities to step out of my cocoon,

Shelter of conditioning

They compel me to stretch, to grow, to learn


I give thanks for the rebels, dissidents

Malcontents, visionaries


All that are willing to stand up to the status quo

Proudly proclaim there is another way

Those who give voice to the marginalized, the forgotten,

The oppressed and subjugated


I give thanks for the leaders with HEART,

The courage to be compassionate,




Those who realize we are stronger

When we befriend

When we lend a helping hand

When we embrace humanity

Our brothers and sisters


I give thanks for all the beings in my life

Who remind me

It is the small things that matter

The comforting voice of a friend

When I don’t believe in myself again


The twinkle in the eye

When we smile at each other

Passing on the street


The warmth of the sun

On a cold autumn morning

Cup of coffee in hand


The sound of water

Weaving among the rocks

Great journey to the sea


I give thanks for life.

It is precious in all forms.