Deep Dive

Moments of hollowed silence deepen, slow

Languid time lays down to rest

Muted expanse of frozen water, ice, snow, crystals

Beacon, angelic calling to step into the void of becoming

Cradle in the glacial vacated notch, bounded by moraine remains

Veils of perception emerge, diverge, appear, disappear, arise, dissolve

Temporal vestiges of cosmic presence

Invisible cloak a welcoming invitation to step further within the unknown

Dissolving identity at the behest of the mountains

Embracing the potent potentiality of rebirth

Each stride, movement of certainty, assured of the embrace, support

Forward the path unfolds elegantly like snow crystals aligning

Undulations of slushy snow, frozen wavelets transformed

Metamorphic cliffs cast in fairy frost shimmer, sheen, seeing in between

Recommitting, vowing, declarations of fealty to the Goddess of creation and fertility

In service, seeding the future imagination