Peekaboo with the moon

Peekaboo with the moon

One eyed wink above Beaver Peak

Snow feathered white pine needles

Vestiges of storm clouds parting

Cerulean blue slips between

Liminal space appear and disappear

Thoughts wafting through an active mind

More than human world speaks to

Slow time, movement rooted in being

Presence of stillness, grace, equanimity

Curl of the snow wave warps around the roof

Muffled, subdued, quietude, permeates

Glacial percolation into each cell

What does it mean if a father cannot protect his children?

What does it mean if a father cannot protect his children?

NPR story hour

Youssef on the phone

Shepherd of sixty Palestinian refugees

Tent camping on the Southern border

Eygpt a stone throw away

Haggard, soft, exhausted, compassionate voice

Just wanting to reunite with his family

Two sisters, one 8 months pregnant

Simple questions explore the human experience

In a zone of genocidal apartheid

His son requests kisses on the cheek

Until he falls asleep

Yousssef obliges, he appreciates this new ritual

Children stir easily to any sound in the night

Self-questioning, regret, why did he choose to have children

Why have children if you cannot protect them?

If he could go back in time

He would never marry

He would never have children

Not here, not in Palestine, not where Israel rains bombs

Not where USA built drones drop bombs

Not in the open air prison

What does it mean if we do not help a father protect his children?

Big Bang, Deep Time Love

big bang deep time

deep time love

deep time love

cosmic creative love

earth bound and rooted love

full bodied life force love

love transcendent of human experience

more than human love

love that permeates billion year old fractured rock

love that recharges great river basins

love that carves canyons for 100 million years

love that leaves footprints in sandstone

love that is fossilized, a story for the future

love that ruptures composite volcanoes

love that uplifts geologic formations 1000 feet

love that charges a tsunami across the pacific ocean

love that crashes a meteorite, imprinting a 500 mile wide basin

love that explodes across a solar system

love that bursts supernovas

love that coalesces galaxies and multi-verses

love sublime energy waves

love ecstatic eruptions

love symphonic

love big bang

Deep Dive

Moments of hollowed silence deepen, slow

Languid time lays down to rest

Muted expanse of frozen water, ice, snow, crystals

Beacon, angelic calling to step into the void of becoming

Cradle in the glacial vacated notch, bounded by moraine remains

Veils of perception emerge, diverge, appear, disappear, arise, dissolve

Temporal vestiges of cosmic presence

Invisible cloak a welcoming invitation to step further within the unknown

Dissolving identity at the behest of the mountains

Embracing the potent potentiality of rebirth

Each stride, movement of certainty, assured of the embrace, support

Forward the path unfolds elegantly like snow crystals aligning

Undulations of slushy snow, frozen wavelets transformed

Metamorphic cliffs cast in fairy frost shimmer, sheen, seeing in between

Recommitting, vowing, declarations of fealty to the Goddess of creation and fertility

In service, seeding the future imagination



Bringer of light

Morning star

Venus shinning bright

Reminder of how religion distorts

Myths uprooted, discarded, dessicated

Makes being light almost a fright

Until you recognize the perspective

Anchored in limitation and fear

Twists, distorts, maligns the truth

Shallow ego defenses grasping at meaning

Rise up child of the morning

Lose the veil of darkness

No reason to hide in shadow

No sense in diminishing yourself

Divine purpose made you bright

Bringer of the light

Seep between the cracks, scatter the night

Illuminate the heavens

Remind the children of their origin

Make their path clear, free from fear


Shallow Grave

Shallow Grave

Hulking metal skeletons leer hauntingly from the battlefield

Twisted pipelines, silent dereks, sporadic methane candles flare up

Oil tanker semi’s list in the ditch, puffed up pickups sit idle at abandoned dealerships

The great behemoths of the sea lay beached, ruptured hulls leak, ooze black blood streams

Oil rigs consumed by mutant mollusks slowly submerge

Desiccated remains of humanity scattered about

Coyotes, Rats, and Vultures scavenge the shallow grave

Shattered iPhone face, shredded Armani rib cage, Tiffany crystals pulverized returning to sand

Amazon savanna smolders in the hot sun, bunch grass, and scrub brush

Antarctica dessert sands blast about in a torrent of wind, aeolian dunes merge

Everglades submerged in salt, broken by crashing waves

Asian sub-continent swallowed by hungry seas, Hindu temple and Buddhist figurines hide in the deep

Great North American barren landscape, inhospitable dystopian dream

Desiccated remains of humanity scattered about

Coyotes, Rats, and Vultures scavenge the shallow grave

Dust bowl diamond fields collect tumbleweed

Yankee stadium playground for jellyfish

Hollywood boulevard shattered remnants, opulent delusions

Hallowed halls of Congress, hollow echo chamber for Ravens and Rats

Silent ghosts scream foreboding warnings to titans of consumption

Capitalism, deaf ears blithely beat to the monetary rhythm

Narcissus drowns in a fossil fuel sheen

Desiccated remains of humanity scattered about

Coyotes, Rats, and Vultures ravage the shallow grave

Pre-teen black beauty queen sits on a broken swing

Genetically modified dandelions preen in the winter sun

Lonely shadow of death moves the pawn for checkmate

Playground of disheveled dreams





Drip, drip, drip, mountain bosom meltwater, drip, drip, drip

Small, imperceptible, single drip drop drip drop

Slow, rhythmic, drum, cadence in a stone cathedral

Hollowed choir, aria, serenade, sing life along

Coalescing, coming together, forming a current

Steady trickle, harmonious chimes, gentle, rolling, flowing over rock

Great excitement, infinite possibility, celebratory energy, hurtling toward a gradient change

A precipice, a shear drop, a waterfall, cascading

Our mass becomes a churning, frothing spray, unrecognizable

Boundaries of form, identity, definition dissolve

Water bursts forth, everywhere, cosmic life erupting

Rowdy, raucous, raging torrent, creating



Merging, converging, diverging, braiding, dendritic tributaries

Logjams, landslides, flooding, collapsing banks, dams, breaching

Sweepers, strainers, boulders, boils, whirl pools

Fluvial morphology, certainty of change

No river remains the same

Water never resists change

There’s always a new way downstream

Song of the river sing us to the sea




Capitalism, Economy of Addiction

Human doing…running, hurrying, working

Keeping a harried pace, got to appease the system of expectation

There is a prescription for success, Purdue Pharma’s got your back

The gateway drug is administered in the womb, every parent wants their child to have what they didn’t

Born conditioned to an economy of addiction

All the material excess that defines success

Multiple degrees, six figures, colonial home in the gentrified neighborhood, two kids attending dance and soccer, SUV and sports car, RV for the weekends, pontoon boat for the lake cabin

Human being…hollow, vacant stare, zombie of consumption

Seeking acceptance longing for belonging, hoping for meaning, chasing the American dream as it fades in the dystopian video game

Sad realization, suppressed, oppressed, depressed

Return to the script of the industrial revolution, work harder, work longer, work, work, work

Do more, compress life, living, in a narrow band width

What are the Jone’s doing?

The Marshall’s are going to Disney land again.

The Brown’s got a new quad.

Extend the credit, mortgage the house, again, find a side hustle

Capitalism, economy of addiction, is the prescription for an ailing America

Addicted to work and doing

Addicted to accumulating status symbols

Addicted to emotional numbing agents; alcohol, drugs, coffee, sugar

Addicted to distraction; TV, movies, concerts, video games, sporting events

Addicted to escapism; blame the poor, blame the migrants, blame the black, brown, muslim, jew, lesbian, gay, liberals, progressives

Capitalism, economy of addiction

Deny, lie, refuse, reject accountability and responsibility

Shout, spew, rage, rant, insults, threat, telltales of truth

Suppress, repress, oppress the fear, shame, guilt, sadness, anxiety

Masquerade, pompous, profusion and confusion

Embrace authoritarian contradictions, peddle the delusion, American tradition is under attack

Elevate the colonial notion that freedom is a flag, 4x4 pick-up, and a paycheck

Capitalism, economy of addiction

Still a puppet of British Imperialism



I feel the colliding plates

Force of nature

Tectonics of ideology crashing, grinding

Jostling, cracking,

Groaning, shattering

Eons of tension and stress

Hatred of OTHER, fueled, fed

Stoked by corporate greed and power

Tectonics shifting the landscape

Morphing, changing,

Releasing, upheaval

Mountains building, mountains succumbing

Subduction, dismantling rock

Melting, reconfiguring

Ruptures and fissures

Patriarch and Matriarchy

Conservative and Progressive

Fascist and Democracy

Rumbling, swaying, teetering

Everything shakes in the waves

Quakes in the onslaught

We lose our balance, fail, crumble

Storied illusion shatters at the feet of possibility

Pinnacles of perceived progress crash

Opulent consumption hollow in the accumulating human tragedy

New landmasses taking form

New valleys, canyons, beaches, vistas emerge

In the rubble, seeds of the future are nurtured in rich volcanic soil

Small shoots of growth reach for the light

Roots grow deep, nourished of pure clean rain

Mycelium extends tentacles of connectivity

A community is birthed and thrives

To nurture

To dream

My Story....From Trauma To Transcendence

First and foremost, before sharing my ideas on empowering people by embracing our emotions surrounding ecological grief, I need to share my own journey from trauma to transcendence. Whether it was their intention or not, my parents instilled in me a profound appreciation and respect, wonder and reverence for the natural world. This deep sense of responsibility as a steward to the earth has been a guiding light throughout my life in pursuing educational opportunities, professional paths, and ultimately how I walk on the Earth. Simultaneously, this assured sense of purpose has contributed to deep depressive states, bouts of hopelessness, and disempowerment. Only, with hindsight can I pinpoint my fifteen-year struggle with alcoholism as a coping mechanism for the overwhelming ecological grief I was experiencing. As a child, I frequently accompanied my father to various public forums where the United States Forest Service (USFS) solicited comments pertaining to proposed projects, accompanied natural resource scientists as they conducted field investigations, and community environmental group meetings as they developed strategies to address local ecological issues. I witnessed arguments that pitted jobs against grizzly bear habitat, community growth against wilderness values, and immediate livelihood against long-term water quality. I witnessed the power of multi-million-dollar corporations to bulldoze public perceptions and massage government representative fealty. A by-product of all this exposure at a young age was that my own perspective was invariably larger than the small rural mountain community in Montana, it became global. Equally, of paramount I honed in on ecological issues; I looked for them and wanted to understand them. I read about the plight of African Elephants due to the ivory trade in National Geographic, the threats to the Spotted Owl in old growth forests of Oregon and Washington in the Spokesman Review, and environmental hazards from the burning oil wells in Kuwait in Newsweek magazine. Each of these incidents seeded a growing sense of foreboding, an ominous cloud began to materialize on the horizon. It wasn’t until I was in high school that I determined to be an environmental scientist. A field trip with a group of geologists drilling monitoring wells to ascertain groundwater flow was immensely exciting and engaging to my curious mind. It was the ultimate detective novel, a great mystery waiting to be unraveled, flowing in the ground beneath my feet. This moment filled me with immense hope and possibility that the field of science would guide sound management decisions on the lands I loved so much and was a way I could be of service. The naïve exuberance of youth fueled my educational endeavors but was unable to temper the slide into hopelessness. Years spent in the University system invariably exposed me to many of the daunting complexities and failures in public land management. Yes, there was NEPA to guide project land management but local politicians were very vocal at disparaging government officials that didn’t draft proposals that supported timber production and receipts to local schools. Yes, there was CERCLA that directed public land management of hazardous waste sites but Congress didn’t allocate sufficient funds to the Superfund for remediation. The first climate summit was in 1979 but the first climate assessment wasn’t until 1991. Slowly, over the eight years of my education, like water weathering rock all this knowledge built a massive cumulus column of doom in my mind. Unfortunately, I suffer from a predilection for knowledge an insatiable appetite to know more, as if knowing more will somehow make everything be more easily controlled or solved. Alas, more knowledge of ecological issues only compounded my anxiety and left me feeling even more despondent about the future. I literally developed a deep profound hatred for humanity, a hatred that manifested in self-hatred and destructive behaviors. At first drinking was a way to assuage my feelings of fear, anger, grief, hopelessness, and helplessness, a means to bring levity to the whole fucked up shit show known as life and being human. The shallow vainer of alcohol only lubricated the depressive slope I was on, subsequently cartwheeling me into even darker depths. My mind fed on a steady diet of hopelessness, fumed at the rampant materialism of capitalism around me, castigated those closest to me for focusing on the simple pleasures of life, mocked and chastised all social groups except the most militant environmental advocates. I was unapologetic cynic and apathetic to the core. My reliance on alcohol was even more destitute as it was a means for momentarily silencing the oppressive, berating, vindictive voice within. Only, now six years sober do I recognize the caustic effects of unprocessed ecological grief. Literally, the first three years of sobriety were spent allowing myself to experience all the unprocessed grief, hours curled in a ball on a hard-wooden floor overcome by sadness. I recall driving home from work, beautiful blue sky and sunshine filling the Kootenai River valley and I’m totally overcome with sadness; tears streaming down my face, big red puffy eyes, heaving, unable to breathe. Sometimes, if I was totally present in the moment, I would recognize the origin of the grief but more often than not it was simply tears, free flowing tears. Despite allowing myself the space and time to be with my grief I still possessed lots of anger and judgement towards myself and humanity in regards to the ecological crisis of the Anthropocene. I occasionally found myself in silent diatribes lambasting a political figure or acquaintance about the dire situation of the Earth. Then recognizing the futility and ridiculousness of my silent soapbox I would turn the sharp lens inward, focusing on my own inability to change. Meditation, a consistent daily meditation practice has enabled me to gradually recognize these destructive habits and simply bear witness to their arising rather than getting caught in the web. Equally, important in my healing journey has been the practice of forgiveness and loving-kindness. I regularly practice forgiveness, forgiving myself for the harm I have committed towards the Earth, the next generations, and specifically my niece and nephew. I ask forgiveness of the Earth and all beings of the Earth. Forgiveness is the humbling act of acknowledging my humanity as well as the 10,000 joys and 10,000 sufferings of this human experience. Loving-kindness is the practice that gives me hope, instills in me the infinite possibilities that lay beyond the capacity of knowledge and the human mind. Loving-kindness helps me to recognize interconnectedness of all life and the beauty of living in this moment with a heart full of love. My journey from trauma to transcendence with ecological grief is still unfolding. Somedays I still experience overwhelm, hopelessness, and helplessness but now I have the capacity to be with these emotions to hold them gently with a kind, loving, and compassionate heart. Somedays I’m overwhelmed with the immense gift that the ecological crisis has placed before humanity; the incredible opportunity to consciously choose to awaken and consciously choose to live in harmony with the Earth. WOW, what an amazing opportunity we have to completely reimagine our relationship with self, others, and all of life. Somedays I simply marvel at the blessing it is to have life in the human form and experience the Earth, the magic of this planet and all the amazing iterations it has experienced in my short lifetime.

Standing On The Platform

Standing on the platform

Twilight hour

Station master has gone home to bed

Lonely platform in a desolate land

Skeleton trees leer long shadows

In the fading light

A cold north wind, disturbs desiccated leaves

They scurry across the track

No souls are about

The bench is forlorn in a hollow steeple

Ticket booth proclaims


There’s a ruffling of air

Across my neck

My top hat falls flat

Gallantly dressed





Shoes polished, a dark gleam

Once upright, upon retrieval of

My jumpy hat

There upon the backrest

A great grey owl

His head swivels left then right

Past and future, merging in one night

In the blink of my eye

He’s gone fast

In his stead

A bony hand extends

Headed out of town

Black diamond eyes twinkle an inqury

Hesitation shrinks my courage

Something else moves me forward

Come sit, while time lasts

Slow dirge of a shy sliver moon

Wispy clouds obscure a dark yearning

A creature of the night

Scuttles about out of sight

Low earthly mourn

The worms crawl home


Journey of the seasons

Onward march from one experience to another

Marked by the sun and the moon, leans into the shortening light

Last rays of October sun

Nestled beneath Chief Cliff

Glimmer and dance on a calm bay

Fingers of light lift gently off

Rolling brown grass slopes of Wild Horse Island

Silent marina, less than a dozen sailboats, rest in their slips

Unwinding of another season

Magic of wind, water, and light continues to nurture the soul

Call of the ancient mariner is not easily let go

There is the gentle roll, cadence of waves greeting the far shore

Patterning light, soft, warm

Does not belay the cold air

Ensconced in a down parka, down blanket

I sit in the cockpit of Moon Shadow

Relishing every moment on the water

Even in the harbor

Spirit of the gypsy sailboat speaks freedom

Winsome wanderer of the wind

No limits within

Embodiment of the Mountain

There was a restless urging to visit the mountains, the familiar mountains of home.  There was a desire to consciously experience the forest, the streams, the wild in a new way.  The intention was to embody the elements of the landscape, tune to an awareness vaster and timeless.  With curiosity I engaged this well-worn trail in Ceremony through sacred song. 

I communicated to the Earth Keepers, the Ancestors of the land, the Wisdom Keepers, and Pachamama my intention.  I allowed sacred song to hone my mind, body, and spirit to the consciousness of nature.  First, I sang to the Earth, mother that holds and nourishes me.  With joy her expansive loving embrace wrapped around me.  The forest glowed softly, the moss and ferns inviting, the birds sweetly singing.  Rich, deep, solid peace flowed through my body.  The mind eased, the muscles relaxed, the spirit lifted.  With grace and compassion my heart opened like clouds parting for the sun.  I arrived in the present.  The trail unfurled before me, new treasures emerging, gifts of simplicity, being.  Magic shimmered at the periphery of vision, tingled at the tips of the fingers, giggled in the small streams, and teased the palette in the fresh aroma of rain on cedar.

Next, I sang the sacred song to the waters, the rivers flowing to the sea.  Honing my mind, body, and spirit to the natural flow of the present moment.  Easing into the space of letting go; letting go of expectations, ideas, the notion of past or future, any perceptions of knowing.  Each stream crossing a meditation, a gateway that opened to the now.  This present moment experienced embodied with heart.  The song of the water amplified awareness, reverberated through the valley and my body.  The cadence of water over rocks a purifying force.  Vibrations rising, purging the mind of fractured thoughts, unnecessary obsessions, contrived purpose, and the false evidences appearing real.  Threads of contemporary reality would emerge and dissolve, the detritus of flooding carried downstream.  The mind would surrender to the song, lilt lightly on the infinite of present awareness, then wildly cascade over a steep boulder into the contrived mind story…”what if,” “I need to do,” “what about.”  Another current would catch the mind, seamlessly merging being with the present.  Emerging and dissolving, ebbing and flowing, a dance of the presence.  Each stream crossing opening a new threshold of awareness, imparting wisdom and understanding.

            As the trail steepened, moving closer to the lake destination I began to sing to the Apus.  Calling on the Wisdom Keepers of the highest mountain tops, honing myself to the wisdom of the mountain.  Again, consciousness shifted, transformed, embraced a depth never experienced before.  Awareness exploded, cast beyond the forest, trail, streams, to Elephant Peak, Eagle Peak, St. Paul Peak, Lentz Peak, Dad’s Peak and more.  The guardians of the valleys, the draws, the ridgelines came to focus.  Their enduring presence, the longevity of their journey, the transit of time from eons ago to now.  Only now there was a deep seated knowing of the mountain within.  Storms come and go, weather erodes rock, water carves the landscape, trees take root, animals create paths and yet the mountain resides in stillness.  The concept of time began to morph, some moments speeding up, punctuated with expressions of AH HA.  Other times slowed, crawled, paused, highlighting the simple beauty of shifting shades of green, the multitude of leaf shapes overlapping.  Witnessing a daddy long-legged spider navigate the maze of leaves, feeling, sensing each step.

            It was as if the mountains strung pearls of wisdom along the trail.  Tidbits exploded in the awareness honed by sacred song.  Pebbles dropped into the pool of consciousness rippled outwards transforming dimensions.  Emerging from the center of stillness, St Paul Peak, radiating exuberant joy and gratitude.  Honoring the mountain, bountiful gifts of support and protection.  Meditating with the mountain, sensing, feeling uplift, growth, towering, the grounding, solid, stable, enduring, resolute, reaching for the sky.  Melting with the waters, flowing with the waterfalls, letting go, letting go, surrendering.  Sojourn to the lake.  Settling, resting, balancing, peaceful, serenity in being.  Again, rising with the mountain, ascending, growing.  Then melting, flowing, descending.  Coming home, being, witnessing, the lake.  Cycles, cycles of life and death, being and doing, conscious and unconscious.  Yet, always in the now, here, the present.

Wild Woman of the Mountains

Wild Woman of the Mountains

Rustling leaves, wind in the Poplar Trees


Morning light

Slant eyed

Peering between storm clouds

Piliated Woodpecker knocking

Fresh pressed, black coffee

Steams in a second-hand mug

Bare feet rest on a dew drop lawn

Hallowed mountains bathe in tangerine and lemon

A familiar voice whispers from the highest mountain top

Deep soul yearning



Casting sideway glances

Wild Woman knows the calling

Always a receptive child, learning

Backpack sitting by the door

Impulsive visionary


Intuition, Earth Wisdom

Cast off the domestic comforts

Wild Woman of the Mountains



Embraces the storm

Mountain goat scramble

Quartzite cliff bands and beargrass ribbons entwine

Tempest brewing, howling, frothing waters edge

Mother abides, encouraging and warning

Your journey is safe

Make hast

Do not delay

Spiritual guidance, swift eagle wings, high on the thermals

Bring serene clarity

Talus cauldron

Shallow lake basin





I give thanks for the EARTH, our home,

The mother that holds us and nourishes us


I give thanks for humanity, the shared experience,

Being human


I give thanks for impermanence,

The arising and dissolving of phenomena

The temporality of the body,

The fragility of life,

The consistency of change


I give thanks for the unknown

The unknowable

The mystery

The infinite possibility that resides in each moment

The witness of being


I give thanks for the uncomfortable

The challenging emotions, destructive thoughts,

Vitriolic people, confounding situations

The opportunities to step out of my cocoon,

Shelter of conditioning

They compel me to stretch, to grow, to learn


I give thanks for the rebels, dissidents

Malcontents, visionaries


All that are willing to stand up to the status quo

Proudly proclaim there is another way

Those who give voice to the marginalized, the forgotten,

The oppressed and subjugated


I give thanks for the leaders with HEART,

The courage to be compassionate,




Those who realize we are stronger

When we befriend

When we lend a helping hand

When we embrace humanity

Our brothers and sisters


I give thanks for all the beings in my life

Who remind me

It is the small things that matter

The comforting voice of a friend

When I don’t believe in myself again


The twinkle in the eye

When we smile at each other

Passing on the street


The warmth of the sun

On a cold autumn morning

Cup of coffee in hand


The sound of water

Weaving among the rocks

Great journey to the sea


I give thanks for life.

It is precious in all forms.

Neutered Land

Neutered Lands


Oh, we wear our hats tall

Proud conquerors of the land

Quick to prove our mettle

Lest someone question our frontier ways


Oh, yes we are descendants of

The fearless and brave

Adventuresome mountain men

Who forged a way through the dark, primal, forest

Hacked down

Cut down

Tilled under

All vestiges of the wild


Oh, we wear our rugged John Bridger badges

Professing a love for and understanding of the West


YET, let’s remember it was us who neutered the land


Parceled it out in neat little squares

Fine borders and edges around every piece

90 degrees

Straight lines

Barbwire defines

We blazed trails

Blasted roads

Damned and diverted rivers

Dissected mountains

Contrived labels and notations

Applied signs and directions


Anything wild and free




Grizzly Bears

Shot on site



Muzzled and contained

Quickly shuttled back in the box




Oh, we wear our rugged machismo

On chests of bravado

Boisterous, bombastic, belittling

All can hear the cacophony chorus of fear

As we cower before true wildness

Truth be told

The wild west persona

Is a myth

Promogulated by dime store novels

Continuously clung to by vestiges of men

For we are incapable of operating in

The unpredictable

The unmanageable

Vast uncertainty of Wilderness


We sacrificed our own wilderness a long time ago


Enchanted by comfort

Enchanted by security

Enchanted by predictability

We neutered our souls


Welcome to the neutered lands  

Once Upon A Time

Once Upon A Time

Isn’t that how all great fairytales start?
There was a woman
Who hid from herself
The shadow more appealing
Than the daylight leering
Soul shrouded in tatters
Doubting mirth and divine birth

Easier to contrive another disguise
Some heartless excuse
Mindless shadow tentacles
Clasp, grasp, hold fast
Suffocating thoughts
Paralyze the heart
Small mind discerning
High cost of fearing 

Drifting in the mire
What of this desire
To be free to be me

Once Upon A Time

There was a woman
Who came face to face with her inner dragon
Stowed away
In the deep dark caverns
The belly of the mountains
Fierce heat burning
Cauldron of power
Treasured lair
No sword for slaying
Only bare hands for holding
Naked soul of compassion
Leaning in

Once Upon A Time

There was a woman
Cast off comforts of certainty
Adventuring the unknown
Carried on the wind
True compass direction
Gently embraced the power within

What is mindfulness meditation? Why do we practice it?


Mindfulness is a state of awareness to the present moment experience.  Mindfulness is being fully present and alive; complete embodiment of the body and mind.  Moment by moment awareness of our thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, and the surrounding environment.  Mindfulness embraces the present non-judgmentally with loving-kindness.  Mindfulness is the natural presence we experience when fully awake, open, and tender.  It is the serenity experienced laying in the middle of a field on summer evening watching shooting stars zip and zing across the sky.

Meditation is a practice of training the attention.  It enables us to recognize the conditioned mind and habitual thinking that keep us trapped in suffering.  Meditation encompasses a variety of forms for quieting the mind and opening the heart.  Meditation may include contemplative, concentration, observational, listening, visualization, and mantras; each practice is specific to fostering awakening, understanding, and compassion.

Practicing mindfulness meditation opens us to fullness of life.  To embody the totality of the human experience means embracing everything that arises as is, there is neither grasping after the pleasant moments nor aversion to the unpleasant moments.  Rather mindfulness meditation opens us to experiencing life free from the discursive thinking, evaluation or habitual reactivity.  Instead of being tossed about by the waves of life like a ship on the sea, we develop the capacity to witness the waves and sink into the deep stillness of the ocean.  We can recognize the waves as being ephemeral yet the deep ocean remains unchanged.

In order to experience the true joy, equanimity, compassion, and loving-kindness of this life we need to understand our own mind.  Understanding the mind evolves over the continuous observation of the mind.  The more attuned and aware we become of our own proclivities the more apt we are to respond from a place of loving-kindness.  Responding kindly and gently to ourselves opens the door to a secret garden of infinity and timelessness.  New insights arise, the heart blossoms, and the immense blessing of this life in human form unfolds.

The more we commit to our practice, commit to exploring our self, the more we experience the wellspring of being, and simply being is peaceful.

Serpent Spirit

Serpent Spirit

Prickly pear, pin cushion, saguaro
Slim shadow, spartan shade
Still serpent coiled
Drumbeat, pulsing in the desert heat
Red quartz sand, radiating techno-color waves

Slowly succumbing to the inevitable shedding
Gently laying my belly upon the Earth
Eyesight equilibrating, pointed peripheral vision
Honing my taste to the dry air
Quick flicks of my tongue
Discern the rodent trail before my lair

My heart nestled on the bust of the Earth
Recognizes the one true rhythm in the loving embrace
You are burning inside my heart center
Cosmic storm, solar flares, nuclear fusion
Microscopic particles colliding

Serpent of fire
Combusting limitations, inhibitions
Citrine and carnelian scales vibrate
Helix unwinds and undulates
Sensuous sidewinder dance, belly to belly
Serpentine slither, loosens the old

Old skin shedding
Stripping the past off
Desert tombstone
Stone cairn
The passing

Challenging, physically, exhausting
Raw vulnerability
Exposing the soul
Ancient contracts, brittle with time
Long awaited, deep healing

Ebony feathered death messenger
Vultures circling
Keen sight spying, subtle sand shifting
Sad story of the past clinging on…
Brittle skin, peeling, flaking, snaking behind

Solar heat emanating
Solid enduring stone
Fortitude when I am alone
Swift wispy cloud, your shadow drifting by
Never glancing down to the ground below
Fresh scales, tender to the touch
Fresh scales, sensitive to the harsh desert
I am bare

Shade slinking, shriveling, disappearing
Sun burning down from high noon
No escape from shedding
Sidewinder dance belly to belly with the Great Mother
Husk of skin stretched, desiccated
Caught on a cactus thorn

Serpent of fire returning
To the beginning

Knowing No More

Knowing No More
The thoughts hang in my mind
Weighted turpentine
Voracious feast morphed into a famine
Hunger no more for knowing
Empty calories, mind binge
Leaves me feeling worse than to begin
Compulsion, a skeleton of addiction
Aided and encouraged in a serious delirium
Obsessive consumerism knowing
Never enough, always something new
Keeping up with the Jones’s
All manner of gadgets ding and ping
Calling attention to something needs to be known
Exhausting repetition, disturbs being
Everyone wanting to know
What are you doing
Nothing, I gave up knowing
Simply being alive in the moment
No need for anything, only that
Knowing No More