

I feel the colliding plates

Force of nature

Tectonics of ideology crashing, grinding

Jostling, cracking,

Groaning, shattering

Eons of tension and stress

Hatred of OTHER, fueled, fed

Stoked by corporate greed and power

Tectonics shifting the landscape

Morphing, changing,

Releasing, upheaval

Mountains building, mountains succumbing

Subduction, dismantling rock

Melting, reconfiguring

Ruptures and fissures

Patriarch and Matriarchy

Conservative and Progressive

Fascist and Democracy

Rumbling, swaying, teetering

Everything shakes in the waves

Quakes in the onslaught

We lose our balance, fail, crumble

Storied illusion shatters at the feet of possibility

Pinnacles of perceived progress crash

Opulent consumption hollow in the accumulating human tragedy

New landmasses taking form

New valleys, canyons, beaches, vistas emerge

In the rubble, seeds of the future are nurtured in rich volcanic soil

Small shoots of growth reach for the light

Roots grow deep, nourished of pure clean rain

Mycelium extends tentacles of connectivity

A community is birthed and thrives

To nurture

To dream