Life is a daring adventure

Life is a daring adventure or nothing at all. ~Helen Keller

You are an adventure
You are a risk
You are a choice of improbability

Still I choose you

Is it against my better judgment
There will be no regrets

Though my mind desires an outcome
Socially conditioned script
My heart knows no expectation
Freedom resides in the heart

You may break my ego
Shatter it like fine porcelain on a slate floor
Crumple it like used tissue
Dismember it like the ravaging dogs of war
My ego may lay spent, unrecognizable

My heart will glow, unmasked of lust
Unmasked of illusion
Unmasked of pretense
Raw essence of rapture radiating

My heart will swell with more love
Full force of the rogue ocean
Swamping the tyranny of limitation
Riotous infinity
Cosmic cornucopia

You are an adventure
You are a risk
You are a divine manifestation
You are my spiritual teacher

Ode to patience
Humility’s rose
Allegory of acceptance
Tribute to surrender
Heart honoring
Ego sacrificing

Still I choose you

Life is a daring adventure or nothing at all.