Treasure of the Earth

Treasure of the Earth

The treasure of the Earth
Cannot be weighed in ounce of gold and silver
Cannot be quantified in barrels of crude
Cannot be measured in million board feet
Those are only the fool’s lode

The treasure of the Earth
Is sung on the meadowlarks call
The bugle of the bulk elk
The wolf’s howl

The treasure of the Earth
Is felt upon barefeet traversing the cold ocean sand
The dive deep into glacier waters clear
The swift current of the river carrying you from land

The treasure of the Earth
Is tasted in the sweet spring sun ripened strawberry
Handful of tart tongue tickling huckleberries
Crisp crunch of an apple from the tree

The treasure of the Earth
Is seen from the rapture inducing mountain top
Vast expanse of unfolding open prairie
Sheer cavernous canyon walls looming

The treasure of the Earth
Is smelt in the vanilla bark pine tree
Invigorating refreshing lilac rain
Rich musty saturated dirt

The treasure of the Earth
Is in experiencing the fullness of Life