Dancing With Uncertainty

Dancing With Uncertainty

The band strikes up
A blood boiling, 
Bone shaking, 
Heart pumping,
Soul invigorating,

Primal drums pulsing strong
Rowdy guitar rifts interweaving
Sultry saxophone steaming
Deep resonant cords blaring 

Communal space circles
Sacred temple arises
Late night ritual fire blazes
Silent and still
The dance floor beckons

In the shadow,
Pagan throngs congregate
Vibrating human hive
Ecstatic dancers
Spiritual revelers
Escape artists

In the darkness, I wait
Eagerly scanning
The jostling,
The morphing,
The swelling,
The swooning,

Waiting for someone to venture forth
Waiting for someone to brave the gauntlet
Waiting for someone to dare the eyes of spectacle
Waiting for someone with heart

Uncertainty hangs in the air, daring

I cannot hold out for long

The suspense builds
The tempo quickens
The band has created
A soul riveting groove
Uncertainty reaches out a hand
My skin tingles
My body sways
My feet find their own momentum

In a moment the wave crashes
I am swept into the current of music
Uncertainty wraps a strong arm around my waist
A familiar comfort from the unknown

The voice of self-doubt
Skips across my mind
Catapulted by the exposure
What do they think?
Do I look a mad fool?
You are a mad fool?
Stop this madness now.
Go back to the shadow.

My heart entwines with uncertainty
Knowing more than the mind
My body succumbs to the guitar rifts
I surrender to the music
I surrender to uncertainty
I dance on

A wild, free, maniacal grin grows
A deep, resonant, belly laugh erupts
I dance on
Dancing with uncertainty

Love and Justice

Love and justice are terms often ascribed to human to human interactions and relationships. For me personally, love and justice contextualize how I relate to myself as well as my relationship with the Earth. Love is recognition of the inherent interconnectedness of all life and my capacity to be appreciative of the life I have been given.  Each breath I take is a sacred communion with the Earth, the jubilant dance between receiving and giving.  Justice is profound integrity and my capacity to honor the sacredness of all life.  I honor the sanctity of life by giving voice to all living forms and living in right relation, Anyi, with myself and the Earth.  If I am a Red-tailed Hawk, love and justice are the wings that I fly this world with, the balance of heart and integrity.    

It is within the cauldron of Wilderness that my most honest heartfelt experiences of love and justice have alchemized.  Wilderness, the vast untrammeled lands, the raw primal essence of life, is the great matriarch of love and justice.  Nothing escapes her gaze or embrace, all is touched by her whether realized or not.  

The solitude of Wilderness innately draws out the soul’s truth, invariably compels self-reflection, and pointedly demands honesty.  Wilderness is a silent magician, how oft I have wandered into the rugged, isolated, narrow valleys, and steep talus mountains of Northwest Montana simply to escape the humdrum of society and subsequently returned utterly and irrevocably transformed.  The nuance of the transformative process is always evolving.  The synergy with the Earth is more apparent as I cultivate a greater awareness of my breath and body.  Wilderness facilitates a harmonization with my body, I fully feel the aliveness emanating from the inside, the vibrant pulse of life.  Summarily, I empathize everything being interwoven in a web of consciousness.  Full embodiment, mindfulness of the present moment, enables stillness to reveal many secrets.  Wilderness is a great magnifier.

In Wilderness, love enables me to recognize myself as the Red-tailed Hawk borne on the sweet thermals of a thunderstorm sweeping fast up the foothills to the towering mountains.  I am the summer rainstorm, water laden clouds hugging the mountains, a nurturing lover bringing the gift of life to the alpine forests.  I am a tree in the forest, my roots a dendritic web with my neighbors, communicating through mycorrhizae, and drinking of the raindrops.  I am the weathered, barren, exposed Precambrian talus slope, silent observe for hundreds of millions of years in the slow decay to become soil.  I am the Wolverine devoured carcass of a Mountain Goat that slipped on an ice sheathed ledge and plummeted a thousand feet to a tomb below, now only a sliver of bone bleached amongst the rocks.  Love gifts me with a more encompassing perspective, love dissolves the individual identity, and envelops everything.  I am the life, death, rebirth cycle.  

In Wilderness, justice enables me to recognize that a life of integrity or Ayni means I honor the sacredness of all living forms.  To be in Ayni with myself and the Earth I must give voice to the living forms that are being violated and disregarded.  Cultivating awareness of the sacredness of the land means articulating the violence inflicted on the Earth by mineral and fossil fuel extraction.  Justice means honoring the life blood of the Earth, the vitality of free-flowing rivers that are capable of bringing nutrients to the oceans and providing shelter for migrating Salmon.  Integrity means recognizing there is inherent value in the bounty of the Earth beyond the immediate financial and material gain a few privileged individuals reap.  Justice, the hallmark of integrity makes me accountable for my actions; whether they be thoughts, spoken words, or physical acts.  I create ripples in this world that extend outwards to infinity and I cannot fathom all the impacts that may be precipitated from them.  Justice accounts for rights of all living beings here and now as well as seven generations from now.      

Wilderness; the howl of the wolf calling to its brethren, the howl of a February blizzard shrouding the Whitebark Pine in ice, and the melodic serenade of melting snow dancing across the rock hones the rhythm of my body to the Earth.  The more embodied I am the more resonant the interconnectedness of life.  I simultaneously see and feel life as a kaleidoscope; a unique individuated picture replicated over and over in a multitude of forms.  The microcosm mirrors the macrocosm, and vice versa.  Only my lack of awareness segregates me from the Earth and the pulsing of interconnectedness.  My level of awareness determines the degree of conscious interaction with the Earth.  My awareness determines if my flight is true with love and justice.  When I recognize myself as the entirety of life, integrity and honesty compel me to acknowledge that what befalls the Earth befalls me.   

When love ceases to be guided by justice and is borne of desiring then my course becomes errant and I succumb to grasping.  Likewise, when justice ceases to be guided by love and is borne of self-righteousness then my course becomes errant and I succumb to judgement.  When either love over powers justice or justice over powers love my flight is not true.  For justice without love is retribution at its’ worst and malignant apathy at best.  Concurrently, love without justice is grasping self-indulgence at best and perverse narcissism at its’ worst.

My life soars with the wind, the wings of love and justice enable my flight to take new heights.  When I fly in Anyi, following my heart with utmost integrity the magic of the Earth infuses my life.  The big picture emerges, my awareness is a stream in the consciousness of the Earth.  I become the Earth and the Earth becomes me. 



We are gathered here today
To commemorate the passing
Of the United States of Capitalism
Sovereign testament to corporate greed
Hegemony of the soulless
Imperial propagator of materialism
One nation divided
With liberty for the wealthy
And justice for the powerful

Borne witness by WE THE PEOPLE
The timely passing
Concludes the dark despair
Monotheism of the dollar
Idolatry of the Market God

WE THE PEOPLE acknowledge
The unjust reign of Capitalistic imperialism
Corporate tyranny of Citizens United
The long train of abuses and usurpations
Repeated injuries to the common good
Desecration of Nature and vilification of her guardians

On this solemn cloudless day
Hallmark of a new year
In commemoration
Of the United States of America
Declare our independence from corporate servitude 

At this hour we lay to rest:
The malfeasance of politics
Plundering plutocrats
Nationalistic demagoguery
Patriarchal narcissism
Gratuitous misogyny
Pompous racism

May you rest in peace

It's Uncertain


It’s uncertain
This blessed gift
Momentary suspension in consciousness
Sojourn through the cosmos
Illusive time warp

It’s uncertain
The pulse of breath
Through weathered lungs
Ragged veins
Worn and weary
Bodily vessel
Slowly dissolving

It’s uncertain
The choice of being
Awakening awareness
Clinging self-illusion, delusion
Hallucination, macabre distraction
My purpose in this dimension

It’s uncertain
Far ranging, tall tale, no explaining
One moment ecstatic dance
Another crumpled heap bleeding tears of sorrow
Tempest waves, emotion
Undulating on the great sea of consciousness

It’s uncertain
Being human
Born dying
Broken by the suffering
Yours, mine, the world
Becoming, unbearable
Distraught overtaking

It’s uncertain
The heart opening
Cracked wide, tender and tough
Infinite capacity
Most improbable destiny
Learn to lean in
Edge of vulnerability
Trusting the enormous capacity

It’s uncertain
Frail, fragile, ego
Demanding attention
Lashing and lambasting
Cajoling and contorting
Desperate contrivances
Grasping for control

It’s uncertain
Not knowing
Learning to feel
Sensing the unknown
Touching the void
Vastness beyond comprehension
Yet so familiar
The hand of safety ever near
So far beyond

It’s uncertain
When you are near
When you are far away
When you are gone

It’s uncertain
When we are one
In the same
Never knowing each other
By our true name

It’s uncertain



Still, remember me
When you are far away
The night’s cold wind howls
Lonely, may the fireplace be
Still, remember me
When you are asleep
In the arms of someone new
When the full moon rises
Over desert red rock
Remember me as the ocean
Froth’s over a rocky rugged beach
As a fishing boat is lulled
To its’ seafloor bed
Remember me disguised as love’s eyes
As a wandering fool
Not quite lost
A chasm in a glacier
The setting sun masked
By thunderheads
Remember me

Complimentary Aspects

Complimentary Aspects

“What is most beautiful in virile men is something feminine; what is most beautiful in feminine women is something masculine.” ~Susan Sontag

As I observe the dissolution of the prevailing hyper-masculinized paradigm, as our global culture begins to shed the proverbial snake skin, I question what impetus will galvanize a more balanced expression of feminine and masculine energy.  Since the mass embrace of patriarchal religion humanity has experienced a cascade of segregation; most maliciously a segregation from self and nature physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.  Humanity’s segregation has promoted the dominating values of competition, conflict, control, and censorship.  These over emphasized masculine aspects perpetuate imbalance and a negative feedback loop continuously pitting one segment of society against another.  The result being entrenched fear mongering prostituted as the patriotic slogan “us versus them.”  The successful reconciliation between feminine and masculine energy at the collective level is contingent on those aware of the power of compassion, empathy, acceptance, forgiveness, and love to create a space conducive to healing.  The collective healing necessitates a profoundly personal introspective process that must begin with both women and men healing their own feminine aspect.

Feminine and masculine energy (or aspects) are gender neutral concepts that illustrate relational states of being.  Women and men have both feminine and masculine energy; neither can exist without the other and the optimal state is to have the energies balanced.  These energies transit through our lives in religion, think Yin and Yang; psychology, think left brained and right brained; and nature, think water and fire or light and dark.  Characteristics typically applied to feminine energy include intuition, nurturing, healing, emotion, feeling, receiving, creativity, expression, dreams, and the unconscious.  Additional terms that I perceive as representing feminine energy include connection, communication, consciousness, community, collaboration, and compassion.  Characteristics typically applied to masculine energy include logic, reason, linear, literal, competition, individualism, thinking, and doing.  These broad characterizations are intended to provide a segue into a more nuanced understanding of how these aspects present themselves and how they have been caricaturized in modern society.  How are these aspects reflected at the intrapersonal, interpersonal, and collective levels of engagement?  How has the caricaturization impoverished us as individuals and as a global community?

When assessing feminine energy at the individualistic scale, it has been suppressed in both men and women due to a cultured perception that it is inferior and weak.  How often have we been derided for being “overly” emotional, can’t you contain how you feel, be rational, why are you crying, boys don’t cry, no one cares how you feel, this isn’t the time and place for emotions, etc.  Emotion is often disparaged as an unnecessary byproduct that needs to be shunted, shelved, suppressed, and stored for later.  Yet, to experience emotion is to be human.  Emotions are the embodiment of the water element; emotions are fluid, ebbing and flowing, adapting to circumstance and situation.  Emotion is a profoundly feminine way of experiencing life because of the inherent vulnerability; how we feel, admitting to feeling, allowing ourselves to feel, and expressing those feelings is daring, exposing.  Exposing our soft sensitive spirit is to risk, is to be uncomfortable.  Our conditioned proclivity is to be comfortable and emotions are anything but comfortable.  Emotions are messy, confusing, disturbing, irrational, jumbled, chaotic, uncontrollable, and uncomfortable.  Even pleasant feelings can be uncomfortable.  Yet, our greatest moments of connection, relating to another being are when we are willing to be vulnerable and share our emotions.

When we deny our emotions, dam the river, ignore the rising waters, eventually the torrent is unleashed and often times results in a catastrophic experience.  Explosions of rage, tirades of unpleasant vocabulary, uncontrollable shaking or crying may be the biproduct of suppressed emotions.  More oft than not even the deliverer of said outbursts is not even aware of the origin.  Conversely, even if we manage to manipulate our emotions and suppress them, our emotional denial may manifest as a physical ailment.  How often has a failure to give voice to a nagging emotional situation subsequently resulted in a cold, fever, sore throat, or perhaps something more debilitating?  If we think of emotions as energy, any intense build-up of energy needs an outlet.  Even “positive and pleasing” emotions such as joy and happiness need to be acknowledged and suppressed.  How does it feel to be super excited to see a friend or family member after a long time and to just casually greet them or hug them?  Definitely not satisfying when everything in your body is jumping up and down with ecstatic elation.  Emotions are incredibly powerful and an amazing aspect of living life in a body.  Emotions are testament to power of the feminine.  Our aversion to our emotional experience and nature shunts us from fully embodying and embracing life.     

The prevailing paradigm of separation and segregation persists because of an ingenious shellacking of emotion.  Manly men are tough, don’t share their feelings, don’t cry, and beat their chests in a false sense of bravado.  The only socially approved emotion for men is anger or rage.  This is promoted in various violent outlets including video games, UFC, and glorification of military endeavors.  Men who express their emotions and feminine aspect are often dismissed and demeaned as less then as well as subject to violent persecution.  Equally, women masquerade as men having been conditioned to play the man’s game, be in the big boys club, and only concern themselves with quantifiable achievements (aka climb the corporate ladder).  Women are taught that true leadership is strong, opinionated, aggressive, and uncompromising.  Women who express their emotions and feminine aspect are often demeaned in association with the menstrual cycle, demeaned as being wallflowers, or are demeaned as sexual objects.  The overarching cultural message is that emotion is a handicap and has no value in a competitive monetary driven society.  Men and women are merely shells of our real truth because we deny an inalienable component of our humanity.  

Concurrently, on a global scale the collective has relegated feminine energy to a sideshow act, an antiquated hiccup in the proverbial march to success, albeit only material.  The collective mischaracterization and denigration of the feminine perpetuates the exaggerated unhealthy glorification of the masculine.  Masculine energies dominate the modern technological, Capitalistic, corporate, materialistic, egoistic, competitive, conflict, control, scripture, and censorship driven world.  Subsequently, masculine energy has metastasized into a cancerous agent (growth for growth sake) on a global scale that is contributing to ecologic, social, economic, and spiritual collapse.  The disproportionate emphasis on masculine attributes is not only undermining the very fabric of humanity and the capacity of humans to be humans but it also undermining the capacity of the Earth to sustain life.  Our behaviors are more akin to short-circuiting androids rather than those of beings capable of compassionate, cooperative, and collective relating.    

From a personal perspective, in the past it was easy for me to identify with my masculine energy.  I have lived my life based on logic, reason, the need to achieve goals and success whether material based or knowledge based, I have been driven to substantiate an outside perspective that in order to be I needed to do.  In a misguided attempt to ascribe to the prevailing societal definition of success, identity based and not relational, I consciously suppressed my feminine attributes most notably my emotions.  How I felt, why I felt, and the importance of feeling was denied because it was messy, chaotic, dark, uncomfortable, and irrational.  The continuous denial of an integral aspect of myself was unconsciously contributing to my own self destruction.  I had to reconcile within myself that emotions are an integral component of what it is to be human, like a raindrop in the sea they embody the human experience.  Humanity does not exist without joy, love, happiness, sadness, anger, and fear.  Honest heartfelt connection with oneself and others cannot exist without emotion.  Without emotion we are zombies, life degrades to the living dead.  

How do we as individuals, families, communities, and the collective of humanity reintegrate the feminine aspect into our lives?  The act of reconciliation is a profound process of mindfulness and compassion.  Mindfulness, acknowledgement of the present experience without judgement, is the first step to bridging the chasm between the overemphasized masculine and the underrecognized feminine.  When we bring awareness to what has been denied or suppressed (emotions, feminine aspect) we begin to remove the veil of illusion and open to the curiosity of experience.  Compassion is genuine concern for our suffering and the suffering of others as well as a genuine desire to alleviate the suffering.   Both mindfulness and compassion awaken and touch our most essential essence, the true goodness of our heart.  To touch our heart is to be guided by the power of love.  Both mindfulness and compassion are based on opening to the full experience of being human; mind, body, emotion, and soul.  Opening to fullness of being human requires profound honesty, openness, willingness, vulnerability, and commitment.  Mindfulness and compassion equally embrace both our unique natural talents and gifts as well as those attributes that make us fallible.  The path of mindfulness and compassion is a life long journey, it is progress not perfection, and it is liberation.  When we cultivate mindfulness and compassion we are not shackled to limiting stories of the past, we are not bound by old roles or ideas, and we are not zombies going through the motions of living.  Mindfulness and compassion reconnect us to our feminine aspect and empower to live in the now.  

How many of us yearn to express our truth?  How many of us yearn to be accepted in our entirety?  How many of us yearn to share our emotions with someone who is genuinely present and willing to hold space for us?  How many of us yearn to be comfortable holding the space for another to express and explore their personal emotional state?  Though oft repressed and ignored to our own detriment, the feminine aspect is an integral component of being a whole human.  Assimilating our feminine aspect into our lives gifts of us with the capacity to consciously experience all the dimensions of the human form.  Concurrently, cultivating a greater awareness of our nurturing, caring, and compassionate nature is essential to overcoming interpersonal, intrapersonal, familial, community, national, and international discord.  





Travesty propagated by the patriarchy
False belief system handed down
Generation after generation
With religious fervor and dogmatic conviction
Disastrous illusion contrived to manipulate power
The usurping of freewill for all


From our mother, beloved, benevolent nurturer
Prescriptive terminology drugs creative expression
You are not nature
You are better than nature
You were created to control nature
Nature exists for your benefit
Disempowering slogans casually disseminated
Malignant intentions disguised as self-preservation
Barbarous cannibalization of the soul


Separated from ourselves, our source
We flounder, fish out of water
Grasping for breath
Grasping for meaning
Grasping at anything to substantiate being
Convoluted ideologies conjured by corporate cronies
War on Poverty
War on Drugs
War on Terrorism
War on Ourselves
War on Everything
Maniacal missions, puppeted to a starving audience
Adept advertising, perfect prescription to prevent self-reflection


Healing, health, wholeness
To heal the self, self-healing, self-empowerment
Our truth, our power is within
Consumption, consumerism, caustic chaos
Distraction perfectly positioned to discourage inquiry
What would happen if we questioned the stories we were told?
Who benefits from disenfranchisement and segregation?
What would happen if we took ownership of our own path?
Own our own, were bold


Constrained, chained, castrated
Collective conscious
Break free from the mold
Break free from what is sold
Break free from what you are told
Awake, Awake, AWAKE
Child awake, this nightmare is our mistake
Awake, Awake, AWAKE
Child awake, own your power, it is time to create


Lies, Lies, Lies
Old patriarchy lies
Fearful and frightful, lies
Divinely born, arise
Cast off the deceitful disguise
Eclipse of the heart
Moment of dark
Align to the light

Sixteen Million Years

Sixteen Million Years

Youth the infectious energy of beginners
The birth of possibility
Exploding cauldron of lava
Exuberant force expressing itself
Volcanic landscape re-writing itself
Over and over
The separation of the arcane
Ruptured between colossal plates
Incremental movement unnoticeable to the eye

Elemental purification
Fire, wind, water, earth
Cascades of energy everywhere
Rivulets and torrents breaching
Glacial sculpted walls
Epic ramparts loom
Merge with the sky

Contrast abruptly with black sandar flats
Mordor’s remnants
Howl of the wind lashing treeless expanses
Rhythmic drumming ocean cadence
Soulful flight into the wilderness of consciousness



Merry the mind,
Tortured by the loving heart
Rich fertilizer,
Nourishes the creative spirit

Muse of my mind,
Spurns me every time

Ego collapsing, 
Fuels the heart expansion, 
Solar waves radiate warmth

Muse, one that always gets away
Steals my night and day

Soaring on thermals, 
Jet stream, 
Euphoria dreaming
Sweet ballads are caught like butterflies in nets
Manic mind yearning,
To grasp the magic muse
Heart knowing, 
Freedom loving, 
Let the caged bird fly

Muse, wilde mystical creature, 
Disappears at twilight, 
Dissolves in the moonlight

Spring Blossoms

Spring Blossoms

The sky bellows upon the foothills
Lovelorn sage of the storm
Claps molecules madly
Showering the night in electric light
Atmospheric waves frothing roiling
Consume the bosom of the Earth
Voluptuous verdant folds
Enveloped, wrapped in rapture
Tango of titans, sensuous sirens
Momentous moment, Heaven and Earth consummate
Spring births a tempest of love
Love blossoms, life blossoms
Vulnerability is bared, naked wonder
Raw canvas of the imagination
Raindrops, tears of ecstasy
Cascades, cleanse, purify, renew
Sweet perfume of water tantalizes the sense
Leviathan of the soul’s depth
Emerges, rapidly rising, billowing forth
Hearts yearning, swells, swirls, sweeps
Steels our minds, starves logic, swamps reason
Love blossoms, life blossoms

Life is a daring adventure

Life is a daring adventure or nothing at all. ~Helen Keller

You are an adventure
You are a risk
You are a choice of improbability

Still I choose you

Is it against my better judgment
There will be no regrets

Though my mind desires an outcome
Socially conditioned script
My heart knows no expectation
Freedom resides in the heart

You may break my ego
Shatter it like fine porcelain on a slate floor
Crumple it like used tissue
Dismember it like the ravaging dogs of war
My ego may lay spent, unrecognizable

My heart will glow, unmasked of lust
Unmasked of illusion
Unmasked of pretense
Raw essence of rapture radiating

My heart will swell with more love
Full force of the rogue ocean
Swamping the tyranny of limitation
Riotous infinity
Cosmic cornucopia

You are an adventure
You are a risk
You are a divine manifestation
You are my spiritual teacher

Ode to patience
Humility’s rose
Allegory of acceptance
Tribute to surrender
Heart honoring
Ego sacrificing

Still I choose you

Life is a daring adventure or nothing at all.

Love is a River

Love is a river
Spring melt swollen
Abundant earth shaking force
Cataclysmic transformer
Full heart opener
Frothing, careening, raging, fierce

Love is a river
Rolls right over you
Tumbling, rounding, polishing
Softening the resistant rock
Carving a smooth grove for easy passage

Love is a river
Turbulent, death defying, ecstatic leaping
Strong, deep currents sweeping
Imagination capturing, mesmerizing, transfixing
Boulders emerging, brief impediments
Whitewater consuming, rolling onward

Love is a river
Meandering, sensuous sinuosity
Serpentine sidewinder slinky
Undulating across the valley
Oxbows, abandoned patterns, exploring

Love is a river
Rhythmic dance birthing life
Languid, reclining in simplicity
Effortlessly shifting, swaying, accommodating
Unforeseen obstacles cast from the shadows
Readily dissolving in the fluid expanse

Love is a river
Flowing with purpose
To the sea of becoming
Merging with infinity of wholeness
Cosmic resonance knowing
Love is all there is

Love is a river
Simple molecule evaporating from the worldly ocean
Coalescing in ethereal wings
Mystical creature sweeping across the sky
Colliding, enveloping, unleashing, raining
Cascading tears purifying the parched Earthen bosom

Love is a river

Night Owl, Morning Dove

Night Owl, Morning Dove

From the night owl to the morning dove
A greeting of love
Resigned to different hours
Never seeing each other
Our songs call out, traversing space and time

Dove of light you awaken the dawn
Your song angels delight
Calling forth a new beginning
We all can behold
Rainbows refracting, penetrating shadows hold

Lover of twilight, you sing the moon bright
When the day is heavy and we long to be held
You bring the weary souls home to roost
Safely under your wings
Owls sight keeps watch

From the night owl to the morning dove
A greeting of love
Though we take flight solo
Cosmic vibration is wind beneath our wings
Conscious transcendence unites rhythmic flight 

I Choose To Love

I Choose To Love

I choose to love
Those who have locked their heart away
Those who have experienced betrayal
Those who love was denied
Those who love was ignored

I choose to love
Those who heart is calloused
Those who heart is scared
Those who have forgotten love’s embrace

I choose to love
Knowing that it is infinite
Love knows no bounds or circumstance
Love has no timing or schedule
Love is all encompassing

I choose to love
Because I know my heart can’t break
That which scares me
Is only the ego cracking
The pain, the suffering, my mind alludes to
Is only the mortar of resistance
Dissolving into truth
For I am love

I choose to love
For that is my liberty
For that is what propels me to grow
For that is my purpose

I choose to love
All the souls who life has scattered
The tatters of their heart
The path to our wholeness

I choose to love
For it is infinite

Treasure of the Earth

Treasure of the Earth

The treasure of the Earth
Cannot be weighed in ounce of gold and silver
Cannot be quantified in barrels of crude
Cannot be measured in million board feet
Those are only the fool’s lode

The treasure of the Earth
Is sung on the meadowlarks call
The bugle of the bulk elk
The wolf’s howl

The treasure of the Earth
Is felt upon barefeet traversing the cold ocean sand
The dive deep into glacier waters clear
The swift current of the river carrying you from land

The treasure of the Earth
Is tasted in the sweet spring sun ripened strawberry
Handful of tart tongue tickling huckleberries
Crisp crunch of an apple from the tree

The treasure of the Earth
Is seen from the rapture inducing mountain top
Vast expanse of unfolding open prairie
Sheer cavernous canyon walls looming

The treasure of the Earth
Is smelt in the vanilla bark pine tree
Invigorating refreshing lilac rain
Rich musty saturated dirt

The treasure of the Earth
Is in experiencing the fullness of Life

Flight of Consciousness

Flight of Consciousness
Three ebony harbingers delight
Masquerading across the skyline
Cacophony of cat calls
Colliding caterwauls
Ghostly vestiges of shadow and light
Invisible interlopers test the senses
Soul searing knowing without sight
Coarse gruff caws
Sharpe shooters stare
Unnerving silhouette silently disrobes our armor
Slow surrender
Arctic waters suffocate the egos becoming
Fanciful flight, feathered friend
Harbinger of the night
Plunge deep in the languid void
Sharp talons grasp immortal light
Magical trickster, treasure collector
Multi-dimension intervention
Alight, alight, swift ascension
Three ebony harbingers delight
Consciousness in flight




The treasure of the Earth
Cannot be weighed in ounces of gold and silver
Cannot be quantified in barrels of crude
Cannot be measured in million board feet
Those are only the fool’s lode

The treasure of the Earth
Is sung as Meadowlarks greet the dawn
The bugle of the Bull Elk heralds the hunt
The wolf’s howl sanctifies the night

The treasure of the Earth
Is felt upon bare feet traversing ocean washed sand
Is refreshing dive deep into glacier clear waters
Is the swift current of the river carrying our dreams on

The treasure of the Earth
Is tasted in the spring dew dripped strawberry
Is the tart handful of huckleberries
The crisp frost sweetened apple

The treasure of the Earth
Is seen from rugged rock faced mountain top
The vast expanse of open prairie going on and on
The cavernous canyons sheer walls

The treasure of the Earth
Is smelt in vanilla pine bark
The sweet exhilarating rain falling from cedars
The rich saturated soil

The treasure of the Earth
Is in experience 


Cradled in the bosom of the mountains
Nestled in the crook of the fault
Pachamama her strong embrace
Comforts a child come home
Oh, how I drifted
A rudderless ship at sea
Washed ashore in a tide of tears
To tierra madre my soul yearned
The deep roots had shriveled
Years of neglect
Lacking the nourishing intention
Yet, with wide open arms
Was I welcomed
No reproach
No hesitation
The fountain of eternal love
Rushed forth to bath the beauty
Chortling and chirping
Chorus of angels
Pachamama song, sweet lullaby
Call another one home


Call Me Darling

Call Me Darling

Between the time
When the sun slips behind the mountain
Summer spectrum of rose hues
Before the dew wets the grass
Iridescent droplets mirror perfection
As the morning dove sings
Out the siren’s song, love of the sun

Call Me Darling

Between the time
When the still waters of your mind
Reflect the grandeur of the wilderness
The brier edged heart
Not tempered by reason
Heat lightening on a clear starlight night
Fierce warrior’s passion holding tight

Call Me Darling

Between the time
When the fear of love
Trips you up
As you are running
From that familiar unknown
The tether of control frayed
Yet, a deep profound yearning

Call Me Darling

It Is Not Our Differences

It Is Not Our Differences

You profess we are too different
Our costumes insurmountable accoutrements
Life experience, festooned feathers, distracting
Social ornaments, gifts from family, friends, community, country
The haphazard decorations we shoulder obscuring our truth

These, these are your excuse
A smoke screen, a ruse to hide behind

It is my perception that our reflections are what scare us
The depth of our similarities
That which we would rather deny in our self
Reflecting back out of clear blue eyes

It is easy to dismiss that which is different
It is difficult to embrace that which is so close to our truth

Mirror, mirror, frightful waters of an inner storm
Acknowledgement bares the burden of action
For once Pandora’s box dissolves
Change is inevitable

Safe harbor no more
Full sails carry us onward